Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 3

Today was a flexible day because a riot broke out in the town, and we couldn't go to the schools we had planned to visit. We ended up going to a school on the compound.  

When we arrived, the children were so hyped to see us. We walked in and they broke out in a cheering uproar; it was such a blessing to see them so happy and excited to see us. Interacting with them was my favorite part; they stuck to us like white on rice!

We did two programs today and they were both a success!  The kids were a little rowdy at times, but in the end we saw a reaping of the harvest!  About 50-60 kids gave their lives to the Lord today, and that was such an amazing site to see!

One thing that sticks out to me is that the children here are so hungry for love and affection that they are willing to fight each other for it. I had this one girl who adored my attention. She would literally hit other kids away from me who came over to hug me or hold my hand.  

Today we also helped entertain the children that were in the line for the Lord's kitchen, a program the Jeune's started to help feed the children in the tent city. Sadly the people working in the Lord's kitchen can only hand out as much food as they can get funded, so some of the children were turned away. The expressions on their faces were so heart breaking. It really makes me take look at how I view things back in the states. 

God is great, and He is moving in Haiti!


1 comment:

  1. Just love on those kids, I find the same thing in Mozambique, they are so loving but so needy. Try not to show favorites, although it is hard! Praying for you all! Xana's mom
